Monday, May 11, 2020

May 11, 2020

Motivation Monday Quotes That Will Unlock Your Confidence | Monday ...

Today's Updates: 

This info is also in the Daily Family Update, but...

3rd-8th Grade Teachers---can you please share out information on D114 Detectives with your students...especially those who you know are willing/able to complete extension tasks. Erica is drafting more info on how to access each of the Google Classrooms for the tasks for us to send out after tomorrow's Hangout. 

District 114 Detectives--STRETCH YOUR BRAINS!

We are so excited to invite you join Mrs. Barraza to become a District 114 Detective! Using Google Classroom, we will be sharing two levels of mysteries every week for you so solve. The first week features two Escape Rooms!  

In this week's level 1 mystery, you will use your detective skills to reach the end of the mystery by completing tasks all about animal adaptations! 

In this week's level 2 mystery, you have to help save a puppy from its abductors by completing tasks all about figurative language! 

Please join us on Google Hangout TUESDAY at 2:15 to learn more about these awesome opportunities to stretch your brain! These activities will be completely optional and available to everyone. Looking forward to trying something new with you!

Check out an example of a Digital Escape room HERE.

Click HERE to access Tuesday's Hangout link.

Thank you, Tiffany Tardio-Weber, for sharing this resource on making a "Flat You" to send out to students. It's all in these slides, with Tiffany's work as a sample. 
GREAT FIND--thank you, Tiffany! 💓

Thank you, Amanda Lorenz! 💗

Grab and Go 
We continue to distribute on Monday and Thursday mornings ONLY from 7:30-10:00 at Stanton. You can grab "3 for Me" and everything else you need but we also limit how many staff members need to come in and how often we are asking families to come to school. Social distancing is KEY to us getting back to normal! 

Building Access
When you come into the buildings to get stuff, please be sure to turn off your lights and shut your door when leaving. Helps us save on energy. THANK YOU! 

All superintendents have been asked by the Lake County Health Department to make sure the following are in place for all staff who come onsite:

  • No one can come to work who is sick and/or has a temperature at or above 100.4.
  • Staff must take their temperatures at home. 
  • If you don't have a thermometer at home, let the administrator on site know and we'll take your temperature for you.
  • All staff should wear gloves and masks when onsite and handling materials that will be sent home to families.


How are you keeping your battery charged (see below)?

A dear friend shared this with me...thought it was pretty amazing for these crazy times...

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