Friday, April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020

Today's Updates: 

Remote Learning
Thanks for another week of great, great connecting and learning! Your hard work, problem solving, collaboration and--most importantly--CARE for your students, families, and each other are what makes D114 what it is...ONE TEAM, ALL IN!

As I shared in the email with this blog link, you now know that we are NOT coming back to face-to-face learning this school year. I think we knew it was coming, but having it officially announced is kind of a kick in the stomach...or at least it was for me. I miss you all so much, and the fact that our kids won't be back just breaks my heart. Add onto that the hardship that this is causing our families, and it's just a lot. It's ok to feel sad, frustrated, ticked off...whatever. 

But...we'll then pick up and keep on keeping on. We'll focus on keeping it simple.  Your connections matter. Our learning and support plans are working. Our students and families know we care. We'll keep serving meals, doing home visits, sending home resources, and JUST DO IT. 

There's no team in the WORLD I'd rather do this with than you. THANK YOU for being AMAZING. 

Please find, linked here, the letter I'll be sending to families and posting on the D114 website so you're in the loop. 

As always, your feedback, questions, ideas, and frustrations are welcome. I know this isn't like anything any of us have ever dealt with or dreamt of...but we WILL get through it...TOGETHER. 

Next week's Spirit Days...
Thank you, Amanda Lorenz! 💗 Families LOVE these!!!!

Grab and Go 
We continue to distribute on Monday and Thursday mornings ONLY from 7:30-10:00 at Stanton. You can grab "3 for Me" and everything else you need but we also limit how many staff members need to come in and how often we are asking families to come to school. Social distancing is KEY to us getting back to normal! 

Cyber Read Alouds
If you'd like to do a virtual read aloud that I can send out via the Daily Family Update, please sign up on this log. Directions are included. Thanks, Barraza, for setting this up. Please send in your recording the day BEFORE your sign up date so I have it in time to upload and post for the Daily Update. THANK YOU!!!!! 

Building Access
When you come into the buildings to get stuff, please be sure to turn off your lights and shut your door when leaving. Helps us save on energy. THANK YOU! 

All superintendents have been asked by the Lake County Health Department to make sure the following are in place for all staff who come onsite:

  • No one can come to work who is sick and/or has a temperature at or above 100.4.
  • Staff must take their temperatures at home. 
  • If you don't have a thermometer at home, let the administrator on site know and we'll take your temperature for you.
  • All staff should wear gloves when handling materials at Grab and Go that will be given to families. 


How will you make sure the weekend feels different that every other weekday?

When your mind starts to race, maybe this well help...

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