Monday, April 27, 2020

April 27, 2020

Today's Updates: 

Classroom Break Down and Materials Pick Ups
We'll be talking this week about how to organize for you to come in to close up classroom and bagging up and sending home the kids' stuff. More to come, but we have some pretty strict guidelines we have to meet based on Governor Pritzker's latest executive order:

  • Schools and districts should consider creating schedules for a limited number of individuals to enter buildings for the gathering of a student’s personal belongings. Schools and districts should consider creating timeslots per hour per building based on multiple criteria i.e., number of students, building layout, and internal resources available to oversee the process.
  • Students and staff should wear face coverings while in the building.
  • Unless a student requires one-on-one assistance, guests who arrive to assist students should be required to remain in their vehicle until the student brings their items outside to be loaded into their vehicle. If one-on-one assistance is necessary, only one guest may accompany students into the building. Parents or guardians may also gather personal belongings on behalf of students.
  • After the “pick-up” day, keys or district-owned padlocks should remain on lockers untouched for at least four days.
  • Wipes and sanitizer should be made available in school buildings for staff and students.
  • If carts are provided by the school, staff should sanitize the carts between uses.
  • Schools should consider custodial support that may be needed to address litter produced during this process and to sanitize the school following access by parents, guardians and students.

This means...
All staff should wear gloves and masks when onsite and handling materials that will be sent home to families.

More to come on the plan for this later this week! Thanks in advance...I hate wearing a mask, but it's become a MUST DO for all of us at this point. Questions--just reach out to me. 🙂

Cool Math Tool
Thanks to Erica Barraza for finding another cool math tool--Math Pieces! It's a great tool for when you WISH you could show them using Base 10 blocks! It looks like this... 
and it's super easy to use! I just tried it with Taylor and it worked GREAT!

This is open to EVERYONE, and I know the kids would love to see faces from both buildings, from the Kitchens, from the Buses...they miss you ALL!

Thank you, Amanda Lorenz! 💗

Grab and Go 
We continue to distribute on Monday and Thursday mornings ONLY from 7:30-10:00 at Stanton. You can grab "3 for Me" and everything else you need but we also limit how many staff members need to come in and how often we are asking families to come to school. Social distancing is KEY to us getting back to normal! 

Building Access
When you come into the buildings to get stuff, please be sure to turn off your lights and shut your door when leaving. Helps us save on energy. THANK YOU! 

All superintendents have been asked by the Lake County Health Department to make sure the following are in place for all staff who come onsite:

  • No one can come to work who is sick and/or has a temperature at or above 100.4.
  • Staff must take their temperatures at home. 
  • If you don't have a thermometer at home, let the administrator on site know and we'll take your temperature for you.
  • All staff should wear gloves and masks when onsite and handling materials that will be sent home to families.


What was the BEST part of your weekend?

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